Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • La phase test du Portfolio européen

    Un outil ambitieux nous arrive afin d’être très sérieusement testé. Soyez prêts à vous salir les mains et à vous creuser la cervelle!

  • Defining Youth Work

    Peter Lauritzen sets out in a next attempt to define what ‘youth work’ actually means…

  • Uff.

    156 podcast downloads in 12 days. 6 Gigabyte Traffic. 1 phonecall from our provider… Continue to enjoy!

  • European Portfolio Test Run

    An ambitious tool goes out to the field for some serious testing. Get your fingers dirty and your brains spinning!

  • Podcast: The role of research

    First of all a big thank you to all of you out there for bombarding us with phone calls and emails expressing gratitude for the podcast with Gavan. Sometimes we wonder though why we have the comments function enabled here, if — in the end — our email inbox explodes instead anyway. But anyhow! Commmunication…

  • New Atlas of Globalisation

    Le Monde Diplomatique has just published the second edition of its educational “Atlas of Globalisation“. The French version is available already, English, German and others are expected to follow before the end of this year.

Got any book recommendations?