Ancient maps of Europe

» Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.

With every map there comes:

  • a small version – the one you see, 500 pixels wide,
  • and, underneath the image, a descriptive title
  • a link to a larger version (1000 pixels wide) for download, and
  • a link to the source.

Please note that the copyright license of our blog only allow the use of these maps for noncommerical purposes, and that moreover the license of most maps only allow their use for educational purposes. Thanks for respecting that!

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Classical Neandertal fossils in Europe | Larger version | Source

Megalithic culture

Megalithic cultures in Europe 4800-1200 BC | Larger version | Source

Neolithic culture

European Late Neolithic ca. 3500 BC | Larger version | Source

Europe 220 BC

Europe around 220 BC | Larger version | Source

Roman Empire

The Roman Empire about 395 | Larger version | Source

Europe 526

Europe around 526 | Larger version | Source

Europe 814

Europe in 814 | Larger version | Source

Europe 1000

Europe around 1000 | Larger version | Source

Europe Meda 1097

Europe and the Mediterranean about 1097 | Larger version | Source


