
In preparation of the seminar, we asked you to find one webthingie that works well with its target group or with young people or with nonformal education. Here are, in no specific order, your webthingies:

J K Rowling | European Union Law | CISV Devils | Hoe Het Moet | Training Calendar | Salto Toolbox | Salto TOY | Movie Database | Talk to Frank | Orkut | Facebook | Youth Portal | My EVS | INFED | WordPress Multiuser | Edublogs | Wikipedia | UNESCO Training Platform | Narko Estonia | Play against all odds | TED | Delicio.us

Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie Webthingie


