Writing for (y)eu

It doesn’t happen often that I am jealous of people working for an institution, but for the splendid web team of the European Parliament I am glad to make an exception. Find out why in their extremely well-done and enter­tain­ing video – 5 minutes and 5 seconds of your time that won’t be wasted. (Video afte There is a little more context on their team blog.

Writing for (y)EU – Full edit from Web Com on Vimeo.

We (actually, our boss, Steve) could not resist to upload this video. We made it for a Christmas Party and we intend to edit it in shorter versions to promote our team’s blog. But, come on, we (aka the boss) find it so great ;-)





4 responses to “Writing for (y)eu”

  1. Tibo Avatar

    Thanks for your support! we’re happy you like it.

  2. Andreas Avatar

    Pleasure! Thanks to you and the team for doing such splendid work in an usually-difficult environment – and sharing the fun parts of it!

  3. Christian Avatar

    Difficult environment? Where? Who. What makes you say that. Ah und so, neidisch bist? Ich interpretiere das jetzt mal ganz unzweideutig.

  4. Andreas Avatar

    Alles nur, um Dich mal auf meinen Blog zu locken, Christian :)